How to Build a $1M Product Without Wasting 100+ Hours Thinking About Product Ideas

Sanjay Priyadarshi
4 min readMay 26, 2024
Photo by Aure's Notes on Unsplash

One of the critical mistakes we programmer-turned-entrepreneurs make is getting lost in our ideas and assumptions.

We disconnect from the real world and think we know everything about the problem we will solve.

We discuss our idea with some of our friends. After this, we think now we could easily build a $1M product.

We listen to thousands of entrepreneurs who have built successful companies and we believe we have all the information required to build a company.

But this is not at all true.

The first time when I built my product I thought I had all the answers figured out.

I was so deeply invested in my idea that I thought I could build a $1M business in just a few months.

I was so confident in my vision and entire concept that I forgot to focus on a critical thing.

When you are building a product and forget to consider this critical aspect, what happens is something unexpected.

You end up building a product that is technically impressive but fails to gain traction.

When I was young I used to think it was only about building a technically impressive product, but as time went by…

